。Sharpe Law意大利訪問: Rediscover Europe by Orientis HK。

那天在中環中心近70層高的地方做訪問, 身後是美麗的維多尼亞港景色, 絕美!
Buongiorno! Orientis 第一季的最後一集,
在意大利經商多年的香港皮革商和酒商羅嘉進Sharpe Law
Sharpe 的皮革家族生意在香港運營超過半個世紀,
(Sharpe按: 沒有半世紀, 40年, 希望我能把生意繼續多另外的40年)
In our last episode of the first season, we’re honored to have Mr Sharpe Law,
a leathersmith, leathers vendor and wine vendor to share his thoughts
in commerce, culture and consuming at the Apennines.
As the second generation owner to his family business,
Sharpe’s trading company has more than half a century’s experience in the industry, (Sharpe: 40 years)
with many European global brands have been using leather he imported and processed for decades.
SHARPE LAW義大利旅遊書《Italia好好玩》已經上市!!
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